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One of our two irrigation ponds.
A bird's eye view of some shade trees.
Welcome to Pemberton Township as you enter the nursery from the north on Brandywine Road.
Acer Saccharum "Green Mountain" - Sugar Maple
Quercus Rubra - Red Oak
Prunus Serrulata Kwanzan - Pink Flowering Cherry
Pinus Strobus - Eastern White Pine 6' - 8'
2 rows of Pinus Strobus - Eastern White Pine 6' - 8'
Row of Pinus Thunbergi - Japanese Black Pine
Specimen of Pinus Thunbergi - Japanese Black Pine 4' - 5'
Cornus Kousa Chinensis - White Oriental Dogwood 6' - 8'
Pinus Virginiana - Virginia Pine 6' - 8'
Measuring caliper of Halka Locust
Specimen of Gleditsia Triacanthos "Halka" - Locust 2" Caliper
Rows of Gleditsia Triacanthos "Halka" - Locust
Thuja Occidentalis Elegantissima - Gold Tipped Arborvitae 5' - 6'
Thuja Occidentalis Elegantissima - Gold Tipped Arborvitae 8'
Thuja Occidentalis - American Arborvitae 8' - 10'
Thuja Occidentalis Woodwardi - Globe Arborvitae 3' - 4'
Cornus Kousa Chinensis Satomi - Pink Japanese Dogwood
Cornus Florida - White Flowering Dogwood
Acer Platanoides "Superform" - Maple
Acer Platanoides "Superform" - Maple
Acer Palmatum Atropurpurem"Ribbonleaf" - Japanese Red Maple
Acer Palmatum Atropurpurem"Bloodgood" - Japanese Red Maple
Taxus Cuspidata Capitata - Pyramidal Yew
Picea Pungens Glauca - Colorado Blue Spruce
Picea Abies - Norway Spruce
Pyrus Calleryana "Aristocrat" - Flowering Pear
Pyrus Calleryana "Aristocrat" - Flowering Pear 3" - 3.5" caliper