The Homestead Nursery, Inc.
The Homestead Nursery, Inc.


Field Grown Stock Photos

Garden Center, Field Stock & Container Photos

Price List

Field Grown Stock Photos

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Photos of Container Grown Plants



The Homestead Nursery, Inc. - Celebrating 71 Years!

Retail Plant Market & Wholesale Growers of Nursery Stock


Autumn has arrived! We hope you are enjoying the change of season.

BIG News at our Plant Market! Drastic markdowns have occurred!

MOST #1 containers - $4.00 each; MOST #3 containers - $8.00 each; MOST #7 containers - $12.00 each 

Any pre-dug Balled and Burlap tree at the Market is $75.00


Plant Market Autumn Hours:

Mon. - Fri. 8a - 4p



Thank you for your continued business!

Best regards, 

The McLaughlin Family


Our Address
302 North Pemberton Rd.
Pemberton, NJ 08068

Contact us at 609-923-1512 (Office) or 609-923-1225 (Plant Market) or via the e-mail address below.

Founded in 1953, The Homestead Nursery, Inc. has been continuously owned and operated by the Russell F. McLaughlin, Sr. family in Pemberton Township, Burlington County, NJ.  We bring you the best in quality, selection, and service.  Visit us for all your small or large scale nursery needs.


The Homestead Nursery, Inc. * 302 North Pemberton Road * Pemberton * NJ * USA * 08068